iOS 6 GM HTTP POST Cache Bug

In RFC 2616 (chapter 9.5) is clearly written that it is not allowed to cache POST requests, unless the response includes appropriate Cache-Control or Expires header fields. In iOS 6 it seems apple cache sometimes POST requests.

In iOS 6 Apple also implemented the ability to debug websites via USB & your desktop browser like Chrome for Android. With this new feature it is easy to debug such problems.

Here you see a screenshot which shows this XHR POST request (grey marked) with new tool:

The marked post request looks like an uncached request which goes to the remote server. But that’s not the truth. The request doesn’t contact the remote server – it only returns some old cached data. So don’t believe in the new remote debugging tool. Here it shows fictional rows/data.

Here you see the request in detail:

The response date in the header is some minutes old and also the data shown is not up-to-date.

The problem occurs in Safari browser and in the UIWebView. And it seems that the caching only occurs in the loading phase of a website. Perhaps Apple tried to improve the loading time of some sites but have forgotten that it is not allowed to cache HTTP POST requests.

Solution (Server-Side)

It works correctly if you add the header fields you normally use on HTTP GET requests to avoid caching.

Cache-Control: no-cache
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

MongoDB 2.2 – MapReduce vs. Aggregation Framework Test


At Up to Eleven we are currently using MongoDB 2.0 in a sharded setup. Where each shard has 3 replica sets.

The biggest collection stores messages to a specific address with a read flag, status and a message date.

For the web we need an overview of this messages per address (conversation). Therefore we currently use a mapreduce command,  because in a sharded setup the group function is not available.

With release of MongoDB 2.2 their are now 2 new options for this problem – It’s now possible to run MapReduce commands with JsMode on shards and their also is the brand new aggregation framework.

In the following article the options are compared to each other.



A document will look like this.

  "_id" : NumberLong("1073741825094"), // combination of message id & user id
  "u" : 250, // user id
  "a" : "test", // address
  "b" : "Hello, what are you doing right now?", // body
  "i" : true, // incoming flag
  "r" : true, // read flag
  "s" : 0, // status
  "d" : ISODate("2011-06-06T18:49:55Z") // date


We have only one additional index for a user conversation by date.

  "v" : 1,
  "key" : {
    "_id" : 1
  "ns" : "test.user_messages",
  "name" : "_id_"
  "v" : 1,
  "key" : {
    "u" : 1,
    "a" : 1,
    "d" : -1
  "ns" : "test.user_messages",
  "name" : "conversation"


For the test we used a self written benchmark junit test which uses the mongodb java driver 2.9.0. The collection is filled with 1 million records (1000 users with 1000 messages, randomly created – so out of order).

The measured test runs the following commands 1000 times.


This is the map reduce command we currently use (because jsmode is not working in 2.0 with shards) .

  "mapreduce": "user_messages",
  "map": "function(){
     emit(this.a, {
       unread:this.r ? 0 : 1,
       unsent:this.s==5 ? 1 : 0,
  "reduce": "function(address,values) {
    var result = { 
    values.forEach(function(value) {
      result.count += 1;
      if (value.unread > 0) result.unread += 1;
      if (value.unsent > 0) result.unsent += 1;
      if (value.messageId > result.messageId) result.messageId = value.messageId;
      if (value.dateSent >= result.dateSent) {
        result.message = value.message;
        result.dateSent = value.dateSent;
    return result;
  "verbose" : true,
  "out" : { "inline" : 1 },
  "query" : { "u" : 1 },

time: 38 s 718 ms

MapReduce with JsMode

This the map reduce with js mode, which now works with MongoDB 2.2.

  "mapreduce": "user_messages",
  "map": "function(){
     emit(this.a, {
       unread:this.r ? 0 : 1,
       unsent:this.s==5 ? 1 : 0,
  "reduce": "function(address,values) {
    var result = { 
    values.forEach(function(value) {
      result.count += 1;
      if (value.unread > 0) result.unread += 1;
      if (value.unsent > 0) result.unsent += 1;
      if (value.messageId > result.messageId) result.messageId = value.messageId;
      if (value.dateSent >= result.dateSent) {
        result.message = value.message;
        result.dateSent = value.dateSent;
    return result;
  "verbose" : true,
  "out" : { "inline" : 1 },
  "query" : { "u" : 1 },
  "jsMode" : true

time: 22 s 237 ms

Aggregation Framework

This test is with the new aggregation framework introduced in MongoDB 2.2.

 { $match: { u:1 } },
 { $sort: { a:1, d:-1 } },
 { $group: {
     _id: "$a",
     count: { $sum : 1 },
     unread: { $sum : { $cond : [ "$r", 0 , 1]} },
     unsent: { $sum : { $cond : [ { $eq : [ "$s", 5 ] }, 1, 0 ] } },
     messageId: { $max : "$_id" }, 
     date: { $max : "$d" },
     body: { $first : "$b" },
 } }

time: 6 s 835 ms


It seems 10gen did a great job in MongoDB 2.2. The new aggreation framework seems to be a lot faster (it’s more than 5 times faster than normal mapreduce and more than 3 times faster than mapreduce with jsmode).

Also version 2.2 supports compound indexes for shards, so we can drop one index per collection and save memory.

Can’t wait to update our cluster with 2.2, but there fore we have to wait for 2.2.1 release. Which addresses a issue i have discovered on upgrading our test setup.


Hopefully it will be possible to run mapreduce or aggregation commands on secondarys for a sharded  setup.